Heart of the wild talent classic
Heart of the wild talent classic

Three crits gives you mana for 2 shapeshifts, and you've also been regenerating mana passively outside of the FSR over that 12-18 second period from our 198 spirit after MotW and SotF.įor a simple way to compare this mana recovery to the "base mana" costs given for spells, given 6651 mana with MotW up and the HotW/SotF talents, a single crit restores 17.3% of that BASE mana up to once every 6 seconds. A single crit from ILotP restores 532 mana assuming (unspecced) MotW and no other buffs. This figure is already more than double our Base Mana.Ī shapeshift at this level costs 1077 mana without Natural Shapeshifter (754 with). MotW (unspecced) brings this figure up to 6456. HotW brings this number up to 5796 unbuffed. We have 5361 mana naked at leof which is our Base Mana. Heart of the Wild increases your base intellect as well as that from all buffs. R/WarcraftLore for anything related to WoW lore including current and old.Are they changing the mechanics of Heart of the Wild talent? As 1.2 (talent) * 0 (intellect) = 0This statement is false. R/WoW is everything you'd ever want from WoW related news to current WoW affairs. Guidelines for Content Creators Weekly Threads Un-flaired posts will be removed by our AutoMod. See the detailed rules for details.įlair your posts correctly. Reposts Intentional Misinformation Troll Posts Google-able questions Reaction gifs Polls etc. Encouraging or condoning these behaviours is also not permitted. No Guild/Player drama.ĭo not share or encourage the use of exploits, cheats, existing private servers, or other illicit game behaviour. Names must be blurred if people are portrayed in a negative light. Don’t encourage others to harass individuals or organizations either within or beyond this community. Breaking this rule will result in an instant ban!! Do not attack or harass other users, engage in hate-speech, or attempt to gate-keep discussion. This is not a community for private servers, current World of Warcraft, streamer drama, etc.īe civil and respectful. If you can't be civil, don't bother postingĬontent must relate to World of Warcraft: Classic. Have a great idea for the sub? Let us know! Rules

heart of the wild talent classic

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Heart of the wild talent classic