How to know cyberduck download is finished
How to know cyberduck download is finished

how to know cyberduck download is finished

We are now running continuous builds executing all tests with coverage and rule compliance tests. We are tired of regression bugs between versions and added 830 new unit and integration tests to make our code bullet proof to upcoming changes. Safer edits. When editing files on the server, changes are now uploaded by default with a temporary name and moved only when the upload completes. The refactored code is also a lot more efficient determining the transfer action for duplicate files. We now fail fast on errors during a multi file transfer and offer the option to continue with the remaining files or abort the transfer.

how to know cyberduck download is finished

We wanted to get rid of the install requirement for Java on OS X and bundle the runtime with Cyberduck as we previously already did for the Mac App Store version. For 4.4 we forked a new OpenStack Swift client library ( OpenStack Swift Client Java Bindings) to support multiple regions and allow Keystone authentication.Įmbedded Runtime. We make use of open source implementations of WebDAV ( Sardine) and SFTP ( Ganymed SSH2) to which we contribute. There are various aspects we wanted to cleanup in Cyberduck, some of them I want to highlight here.įoundation Libraries. There core of Cyberduck includes protocol implementations. We have put a lot of effort into the 4.4 release (now available for download and currently in review in the Mac App Store) which caused it to be be postponed for several months behind original schedule.

How to know cyberduck download is finished